
I’ve been dancing cumbia my entire life, but since the cumbia scene in the US is pretty small, I just recently (2018) started exploring salsa and bachata.

In addition, in the beginning of 2019 I fell for Lindy Hope and I have been learning it ever since – it’s been a long ride but it just gets more addictive every day!


About 3 to 5 times a week you can find me playing some sort of soccer. You name it, pick-up, a co-ed league, a competetive Bay Area league, and futsol. Fun fact, I didn’t get really good only until after I was 22 years old.


I always have a pair of books, one fiction and one non-fiction. My last combination was the Bluest Eye by Toni Morrison and The Undoing Project by Micheal Lewis.


I’ve been teaching myself photograpgy from scratch, for a begginner you can always find good resources online to learn almost anything. I’ll upload some of my favorites photos soon.